Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The only newly originating form of life....

The only newly originating form of life formed in the image of God is man.

Today I read a story about a girl who is live blogging and documenting her "drug induced" abortion on youtube. I cant tell you how said this story made me...I actually got choked up and felt sick to my stomach. This is the link to the full story....

Went to walmart today and that trip just added on more and more reasons why I should go to target.

I am anxious to start my new job on Friday at Home Depot. They might let me drive the fork lift, they have no idea what they are getting into.

Sorry this isnt to excitied today....the whole abortion thing really bothered me.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hannah almost wrecked the Hamilton eating raisins

Went to weight watchers today...lost 2.6lbs. That brings my total to almost 23lbs lost.

Tonight was our "cheat night" Jared and I had some pizza from Dominos. Its alot better than it used to be but I dont agree with commercials saying its better than papa johns.

Im getting tired of the Olympics, all of our favorite shows are on hold and the Games just last waaaaaaay too long. And Im sure in a few months Apolo Ohno will get caught smoking weed or having sex with hookers. Everyone will be mad at the Olympic Committee for a few months then he will be on a subway commercial with Jared and Michael Phelps and then everyone will forget about the wrong hes done. Its a never ending cycle.

I stayed up until 4am today doing laundry and other house related things, slept until 1pm then got up and took a drug test for home depot...I studied really hard so I hope I passed.

Im watching Forrest Gump tonight because the Olympics are on. This has to be one of the greatest movies ever made. Much better than anything the Coen brothers could produce.

I leave you tonight with this:

"UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It's the Post Office that's always having problems." – barrak obama

(attempting to make the case for government-run healthcare, while simultaneously undercutting his own argument)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Why cant we have a White History month?

Gotta job today....Ill be working at the Yulee Home Depot, oh boy..... I have to start somewhere and Im strongly considering going back to school, so we will see what happens!!! Brittany and I also went shopping at Harry TWEETER super double coupon day!! Saved $24....I busted a bottle of orange juice all over the floor....that was awesome

Watched some great Chris Farley videos today with the Chapman family...We had a wonderful time laughing our heads off! I truly miss Chris Farley....could you imagine how funny he would have been during the election of 2008 and pretty much everything from the last decade....???

My thought for today is actually the definition of a word. This word has been thrown around alot referring to our current President. I dont know how many people actually know how true and fitting this word is for him and his administration.


1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Sounds like the obama administration to me!
I want it to be clear that I am not making this a "political" blog. This blog is a collection of things that happen in my day to day life and random thoughts that pop into my head, as you can see by the title of todays blog, politics are important to me so I will post lots of political things.

Weight Watchers (Fat people AA) Meeting tommorow at 5:15pm....I think ive only lost 1 pound this week but im still trying hard!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

You are here under your own free will...

I want to take a minute to tell you why I have decided to start "blogging" (which is such a gay term) and to forewarn all who may read this.

I have decided to start doing this because of my friend Tony and so many people who know myself, my wife and my mother in law Susan.

Tony and I have worked together for several years in the cell phone industry and have always enjoyed talking about how stupid people are, how much we hate one thing or the other, etc... A few months ago he suggested I get a blog and update it regularly because he enjoys hearing my extremely harsh views on current events or trips to walmart or dealings on eBay...

From time to time I see friends of friends or people who are my "friends" on facebook who tell me how much they enjoy the things I write about on facebook or pictures of things I do or whatever. Then today the mother of two teenagers that Brittany (my wife) was taking pictures of told Susan (my mother in law) how much she enjoys my facebook status updates and so on. So today I decided to get a blog for my handful of faithful followers on facebook.

Now my forewarning:

IF YOU.....

like taylor swift...

are gay, might be gay, think its ok to be gay, support homosexual causes or agendas, etc...

voted for obama...

are a democrat...

are easily offended or sensitive....

are under the age of 16...


Now my warning:

I am harsh, overbearing, extremely opinionated,pro Jesus, pro salvation, pro bible, pro prayer, pro America-if you aren't from here go away, i love the idea of the death penalty, extremely republican, politically incorrect, offensive, anti homosexual, anti disney (I will not capitalize the name of that company because of how much I do not respect it), anti taylor swift (also not being capitalized for lack of respect), anti obama (do you get the picture?), anti socialism, anti abc, anti Coen brothers, anti abortion, pro life, and I prefer Subway to Firehouse everyday of the week.

I dont use proper grammar and my spelling is terrible do not bother telling me about it because i dont care.